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Western Blog

Merry Christmas Message

December 21, 2015

The Season of Giving starts NOW!

Greetings to you all, it’s December 1st today and this marks the beginning of the Season of Giving with today being Giving Tuesday! We all know someone who could use a lifting hand so let’s start reaching out to those in need. This giving can be anything from food to clothes to your time. Some people we know are hurting and just need a call or a visit for coffee. You never know the impact you can have to someone struggling with just a simple phone call.


This winter season marks our 13th season as a company and that is something we should all be very proud of! We have all been blessed in many ways over these 13 years and for that we give thanks!


So start today, make that phone call, send that email, go for coffee, bring someone a hot meal, donate a gift to a needy child, big or small, it doesn’t matter—Just Do It!


Merry Christmas,


Menno and Melinda


Posted in: Corporate News