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It's All About Great People. Call Us: 780.468.1568




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We Hire Great People

People who are highly motivated, career driven and detail oriented. Is that you?

It’s All in the Details

Our business is camp services;
our strength is caring.

If Better is Possible…

Is good, good enough?

What We Do
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  • Better is our Standard

    Western Camp Services Ltd. is the largest independently-owned camp and catering company in Western Canada. We offer lodging, groceries, kitchen and housekeeping personnel for lodges of 20-1000 men.

    Discover Our Standard

    Why Choose Western?

    • 50 years+ experience
    • Immediate response 24/7
    • COR certified

    …and much more!

  • We hire great people.

    Western Camp Services is more than a remote camp and catering company. It is a place to flourish and grow, learn new skills, and work as an important member of the team.  We value our employees for their talents, commitments and contributions.

    Join Our Team


    • Competitive wages
    • Benefits package
    • Meals & accommodations
    • Opportunities for advancement
    • First-class working conditions

    …and much more!

  • Performance guaranteed.

    At Western Camp Services, premium quality is standard and will never be sacrificed. Whether you need complete camp management and catering or fleet rentals, your complete satisfaction is what drives our business.

    Contact us for a quote

    Amenities Include:

    • Satellite television
    • Full washroom facilities
    • Air conditioning
    • Recreational facilities

    … and much more!

The Western Dispatch

dec2016-cdFeb2014 – Interesting and engaging information that reflects our company culture.

Read The Dispatch



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At Western, It’s All About Great People – and Great Food!

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